Dear Anne,

This past year seems like it was both a busy, crazy year full of new BUT exciting challenges for you . . . so why not add one more?!

After reviewing a few posts, it seems most recently there are three things intersecting which concern you with impact to your style.

1. Figure flattery/frump --- you are a beautiful lady with a pretty unusual body type that also is concerned with looking like you belong in a stylish office
2. Practicality -- you deal with fussy feet, the heat, MOTG and work wardrobes, plus cycling!
3. Aspirational style-- this is something you seem to be exploring, but also express that preferences may be morphing but not necessarily in a practical way

So . . . I challenge you to photograph your 3 most figure-flattering looks, 3 looks that work really well for the practical challenges of your life (i.e. that you wear often or work for practical reasons -- not your cycling kit!) and post 3 photos (these can be of others) of what you feel is the direction your leaning style-wise, practical, figure-flattering, or not. Then analyze which components intersect between the 3 areas, and what elements you see appear that you feel would be an impediment or challenge to dressing more figure-flattering and/or more in sync with inspirational style.