So, I get to work today and there was something urgent going down ("Dr. Lyn, we have someone who is actively crumping!!!"), so I didn't have time to grab my white coat. I arrived onto the ward with my jacket and all! And low and behold, my new patient today was wearing almost the same thing I was. Down to the bomber jacket, except he earned his through football and I earned mine through crusing the sale racks at Forever21! He also had a black and white striped shirt (no skirt though), and he wore black pants. He thought my outfit was hilarious. Also, he was fine, they just put the monitor on in correctly.
Regardless, here's my WiW - this is another dress that I had bought before SYC that I wasn't sure what to do with. I think the initial intention was to use the top and pair it with a solid skirt, but I think it's okay as a dress, even though with the pleats and the stripes, you can't see all the stripes - that's okay, right?
This bomber is so fun! Thanks for the recommendation, Angie!
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