Hi Ladies,

Having a play with stripes! Having eliminated most patterns, including stripes, from my wardrobe I am now considering if I want to reintroduce some black and white stripes (full disclosure, I did keep a wide striped tube skirt and a striped ponti jacket).

I am enjoying my blue and white striped drape top (second find) that I started think about a black and white striped dress. Metalicus has a lovely striped tank dress at the moment (third find) but I decided to try a less expensive option for now ($12.00 @ Kmart - tshirt dress).

I am on the fence. I like the idea but not sure how it really translates. I am unlikely to wear a striped dress on its own, so I layered a Split Side Knit Tunic over the dress, black tights, and long boots.

I could also try a draped black jacket over the dress and maybe a long draped black sleeveless vest. Would love to know what you think? Worth playing with?


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