I actually skipped a day between this outfit and the one I posted yesterday, but I forgot to get a picture, so here you see the same formula of girly blouse tucked into full skirt, topped off with fitted jacket. The full skirt & tucked in top is one of my 'uniforms,' so although I do try to vary the details, you've seen it before and will definitely see it again! And yes, I have two different brown velvet jackets, lol. This one is a softer, lighter brown (that works better on me I think, although I love the lushness and drama of the other too much to give it up) & velveteen vs velvet & has a less dramatic peplum & closer fit in general...which is how I justify it. But really, my closet fits them both, so why not keep them both as I enjoy wearing them? Spoken as someone quite content with a large wardrobe.

I went more obviously Victorian this time I think, combining my granny booties and a lacey blouse that's a bit like a shirt waist. I thrifted this skirt a few months ago, and it was my first circle skirt; it's been a revelation. I absolutely love how it drapes and moves (hence the awkward spinning photo) and I want to sew about a million more, even though I imagine hemming them all will be an epic task and the fabric required will eat up my whole budget. I picked up this scarf right before I left Texas, in World Market, and when I realised it was very close in colour to the skirt, I could not resist being super matchy matchy. It's one of those scarves that's sold as a giant cowl, which means this is the only way I can wear it; hopefully it looks ok!

Thoughts and critiques welcome. I'm so happy to live in a climate that allows me to wear outerwear so much. *happy dance* The weather has been great lately; I can wear blouses comfortably inside, then add a light layer for my walks.

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