I feel like Goldilocks with these black watch trousers - first pair was too big, second pair I ordered was too small, and this pair is JUST RIGHT! PPP definitely paid off in getting the exact fit I wanted - a bit of ease but still slim fitting. I will confess I just got them the other day and haven't had time to shorten them so just rolled them once so I could be on Team Wear. I hope that looks ok.

I've paired the trousers with my new navy v-neck cashmere. I have been looking for the right weight, fit, and colour of this sweater for almost two years and finally found it - again with Lord & Taylor. It's not a super dark navy colour but then that's not what I was looking for.

For footwear I chose again my black patent booties and am using my black leather handbag. When I head out the door I'll be topping it all with the Spiegel leather jacket. Jewelry is my rose gold/black watch and my gold wedding band.

I feel good in this. It's really a fairly simply and minimal outfit but I feel put together, stylish and comfortable. What do you think? As always, all comments/suggestions welcome.

Sweater and trousers: Lord & Taylor
Booties: Ara
Handbag: Danier Leather
Jacket: Spiegel
Watch: Fossil (via eBay)

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