I suppose this is more of a what I WILL wear. I have the hardest time getting photos of myself, so I had my husband take them tonight for what I plan to wear tomorrow. I just ordered 5 tops from CAbi and four of them came today! I am so happy. I've been having so much trouble with my wardrobe lately. I have gained enough weight in recent months that half of my things don't fit and the ones that do, don't have things that work to wear with them. These new tops should do the trick to help make my other clothes wearable... at least I hope so! You guys can help me be the judge. I am also particularly happy with my new Nine West shoes. I have been pining after the Okalas for a long time, but I found these for less money and they are very similar - the heel are just higher by about an inch. They are quite comfortable and I LOVE them! I have included a photo of the shape of the top (sorry it is rumpled - it just arrived. I am obviously on team wear!). Do you think the length of the pants is ok? They are longer, so I can roll to any length... Thanks so much for any input. Your last comments on my linen pants were so helpful. I'm still working on those... very tricky!

ETA: I will try to post updated pics tomorrow because the consensus seems to be to try the pants longer. I may also try a looser white under layer... Thanks for the great feedback!

ETA: I ended up wearing a longer white linen tank (also CAbi) for more rear view coverage, and a more muted gold watch, and I took the collective advice and lowered the cuff on the ponte leggings. What do you think? Which under layer is better? Are the leggings better longer?

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