I used to need new clothing items ALL the time. I hated being seen in the same item and heaven forbid, the same outfit, more than once per month. A huge variety was what I craved.

But this new search for simplicity and now much smaller wardrobe has hit me with an epiphany and this blouse is the perfect visual illustration.

I only crave variety when I'm not 100% happy with what I already own. Duh. Why on earth didn't I figure that out until now? I always thought I was the person who just wanted variety for creativity sake but I was really searching for the perfect items. When I have items that I love and even most importantly, feel good in, I have no problem wearing it often and even in the same ensembles.

I feel fabulous in the blouse. Every.Single.Time. And I have worn it a lot since purchasing it -at least every 10 days. Both casually and at work. Doesn't bother me a bit that everyone I work with has seen it often. My drape front EF dresses are another example.

Anyway, on to today's outfit. It's still crazy warm here for late September and I'm taking advantage of it by wearing a rather summery outfit. I've paired my drapey blush/white/black blouse with my rolled white slim leg BF jeans. As a nod to autumn, I chose my laser cut oxfords for footwear. Accessories include my large cream handbag, grey/silver bangle and silver wedding ring, and black/white specs.

Anybody else had a significant "aha" moment lately when it comes to your wardrobe? Comments on today's outfit?

Blouse: BCBGMaxAzria
Jeans: Reitmans
Shoes: Dolce Vita
Handbag: Danier Leather
Bangle: thrifted

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