1) Worn to read "Puss n' Boots" to school children. The dress is cat print, so I used it as my clue to have the kids guess which story they would get.

2) Here is the DIY dress on the bod. I figured I should get a pass/fail vote before I spend the time to finish the back... I tried to use the top galaxy swirl to lower the neckline a tad.

3) Favorite outfit in a long time. I got this BB shirt as a package deal with the one in #1. I didn't know if it would work, since it's pastel blue. But under this orange shirt, it works like a gray to soften the bright color - and I just can't get over how well the collar stays popped *all day.* Bummer that you can't see it well, but it was definitely more prominent IRL as I moved about. Styled my hair a bit with wax this am, and I rather like the fuller, messier 'do. How about it - intentionally messy, or pain ol' unkempt?

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