It's the last meeting of the Board of Directors at work today before their summer hiatus so decided to go "full suit". Pastel blue suit that is.

I've paired the suit with my black and white drapey tee and my black low heeled sandals to take some of the sweetness out of the pastel blue colour. I then added my citron clutch for a pop of unexpected colour. Black and white specs and silver watch/bangle/wedding ring finish off the outfit.

Does this work? As always, all comments/suggestions welcome. This is probably the last wearing of this suit for a while as the heat has hit now.

I'm experimenting with a new camera app on my phone so you'll have to bear with me as I figure it out

Suit: Anne Klein
Tee: Smart Set
Sandals: Clark's
Clutch: Gap

Dusty Bottom thinks getting up this early is just silly.

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