Excellent choice, Shannon!-) You look professional and super stylish. Love the addition of the pink bracelet, and your beautiful smile will win everyone over in a second.
I hope your first day is going very well, and wish you lots of success with the new job, so exciting!

Thank you, Amiable!

Love the colors of the blazer - you will do great!

You look great! Professional but not boring. Good luck today!

perfect! hope the day is going well!

Super fab, as usual! Go get 'em, Shannon!!!

You look AWESOME ( yelling ! ). Good luck.

Great choice. I want to work with you!

Just on a quick lunch break so popping in to let you know that your well wishes are so appreciated - and they must be powerful cause the day is going great

Best of luck at the new job, and yes, you chose very well!

You look terriffic, glad to hear the day is going well! Yay Shannon!

You look fabulous! Hope you're having a great day.

You look fabulous have a great day and HNY

New year and new beginnings. Your smile is the best conversation starter ever, and you look totally awesome and approachable!

You look great... hope the day goes well!

You always make every sartorial decision to perfection, Shannon. How wonderful that the first WIW from you I see in a while is this one. I love everything about it, from boots to bracelet. I am very confident that everything went well today, and they are so lucky to have you.

Great choices here Shannon, I am glad your day is going well!

You look great hope you have a great day!

I like this because it has personality and style while not being so far out there as to inspire comments. You have to ease co-workers and SOs into fashion I find.

Perfect. Hope you had a great first day

Great outfit, that blazer is just gorgeous on you! Hope you had a great first day!

You look wonderful, Shannon. I love that blazer more than words can say! I hope the rest of your day is even better than the first half.

Fantastic choice, hope all went well on your first day!

You look simply fabulous Shannon - I hope that the new job will suit you better; also, the gift shop in that hospital is to die for.

Well ladies, what an amazing first day. I can honestly say that was the best first day EVER!

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. I felt good in my outfit all day and two people asked about my bracelet. I did notice in my observations around style in my new area that I was more dressed up than anyone else. Most of the other women in the surrounding offices were wearing dark trousers and a top. There was one lady wearing a fabulous polka dot skirt in grey and white with a white chunky knit sweater that looked great.

Denise - it is good to not stick out too much, especially at the beginning. But I have the feeling I'm going to stick out a little no matter what! But you know what! I'm ok with that. Welcome to Shannon style new job!!!

Yay!!! So glad it went well, Shannon. I am sure they will be delighted with you! And so they ought to be. I hope there is a chance of making some new friends, too.

Of course this is amazing! And I love how each piece is so thoughtfully chosen to convey something specific. That is so cool.

Woohoo! You look amazing; no wonder it was a great day!

So glad to hear that you are off to a good start! You look terrific...I bet they will soon be eagerly waiting to see what Shannon will be wearing each day!

Late but looks nice.