My happiness factor with my closet has been very high lately, thank you Angie and YLFers for all your wisdom and inspiration! I especially appreciate how much easier it is to pack for trips now.

As this was a car trip to Vancouver I brought two more shoes, more tops, and one more jacket than I would on a plane trip. The weather was coolish and rained a bit (a small umbrella that fit in my bag handled this aspect). Not included is running gear, but basically this did me:

#1 - 7 hours in the car, stretchy loose velvety pants good for tucking legs up on car seat. Attitudinal tee and rock soundtrack to keep up enthusiasm for the looonng drive. Mixed media moto has faux-leather so can handle the occasional shower darting to the gas station toilets.

#2 - these booties with an insole are super comfy for hitting the pavement walking around town. No real rain so I chanced the leather jacket.

#3 - Topshop moth print slouchy pants from the Rack. They look best with gladiators, heels or wedge sneakers - usually pushed to cropped length, but none of mine is comfortable to wear for 6+ hours on foot, so booties it was. Broke out the ankle strap heels for drinks though (a recent find at Goodwill, love the buckle in #7).

#4 - kinda chilly with sunbreaks, getting into the mood for...

#5 - Queen concert \o/ same outfit as my previous post, just included for completeness

#6 - bleary post-concert coffee shop breakfast and watching the world cup, and then driving home in the comfy pants. Feet were happier in cons at this point so swapped shoes at one point, and swapped the silver belt for a white one to match them because I'm OCD like that ;).

All feedback welcome!

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