I thought I will take a break with my weekly WIW - just to give you all a reprieve - and did not post them last week. Honestly I did not even take any pictures all week long - even my birthday outfits! Then I realized that WIW posts really help me to stay in shape and have fun so here we go again...
#1 I rebelled today and wore my red jeans with a grey striped dress, white shirt and grey boots. Nobody said anything nasty about my red legs!
#2 purple tunic, camel Trouve jacket, grey Martin skinnies and cognac boots. I was not sure about this pants and boots colors together though...
#3 You cannot see it properly but this is my bow tie blouse with navy leans, black sleeveless jacket and grey boots.
#4 My new lurex sweater worn as a vest over a striped button down

As you see it was mostly skinnies week for me...except for Thursday when I wore my new red dress! I tried to pair it with opaque black tights and booties but I am not sure I like the pairing too much. It is not too bad with this black jacket but without it it feels too heavy. Too bad as it is too cold for sheer hosiery in winter! Bonus pictures of the dress with a leather jacket and also with a purple / lime scarf. Call me crazy but I think this scar works with this dress - at least I like it!

Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!

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