Congratulations! How exciting. You look fabulous!

Okay, I'm so excited for you that I can't even comment on your fab dressing skilz! When you mentioned "gaining weight because of a medical condition" and "don't suggest dieting because it won't help" I began to get suspicious! I'm so glad that it is a Happy Medical Condition. You are one stylish woman and I look forward to the next two trimesters watching your fashion evolve! Congratulations to you and your family!!!!!!!

Natalie shared her happy secret with those of us at the Orange County YLF swap a few weeks ago, and it has been super fun sitting on the sidelines and watching her talk-about-it-without-talking-about-it on the forums!

So now that it's official: Congratulations, Natalie and family! You look fab and I can't wait to see the rest of your "bump" fashion journey!

Congratulations! You did a great job at hiding the bump! It is amazing what a difference clothes make, especially comparing the maternity top to your non-maternity clothes. You rock those wrap dresses and you look amazing! So happy for you and your family.

More congrats from me! You look *so cute* in that first photo I can't stand it.

You did a great job camouflaging the bump! You will do as great a job embracing the bump

Congratulations! I love Shannon - 'YLF is having a baby' indeed.

Happy happy congratulations! Oh yeah Natalie...babes, I love babes...and you make the cutest ones!


Congratulations, Natalie!
How thrilling!
I also had my suspicions, based on what you said, not how you looked...
Can't wait to see what a stylish expectant mom you will be!

Congrats and best wishes for a healthy rest-of-pregnancy! You look great.

I too had no idea...I'm prone to relatively minor health issues that cause a lot of swelling and figured you were just dealing with a fibroid or something. Glad it was something a lot more exciting for you/the family!

Wow, Natalie! I was bowled over by your news. Congratulations! Perhaps it's just my own weight gain or the fact that I'm not a parent, but I was totally oblivious and didn't suspect a thing. You look beautiful and I cannot wait to see how incredibly stylish your maternity wear capsule will be throughout the next 6 months! What an exciting time for you and your beautiful family.

I have been away a lot for YLF so I missed all the clues but wanted to say congratulations. I know you will look fantastic while you "embrace the bump" and look forward to watching the evolution of GP style.

P.S. Take a peek at the maternity wear archives on academichic if you haven't already done so. E. and S.' maternity wear was incredibly beautiful, fun, and creative!

Congrats, Natalie! Wonderful news and you look gorgeous as always! I had my suspicions, but would *never* ask before I was 110% sure.

I also experienced how pencils were really good for hiding the bump and that dressing can do amazing transformations for how the body shape is perceived. Though it was impossible to hide DH3 from a very, very early stage.

Can't express how excited I am and wish you all a healthy journey and I'm sure you can't escape style after all the work you've put into finding your personal looks and everything. All the best, Natalie! Three is awsome!!

I knew something MAJOR was up! You sneaky gal, Natalie! CONGRATS!!!

Honestly, you and your Baby Bump look absolutely fabulous. Take good care and definitely embrace and flaunt!

Congratulations! Your baby bump is ADORABLE!! Count me as another clueless one - but probably because I haven't been keeping up very well here and the threads move v.e.r.y fast!!

Between you and Scarlet, this will be SO fun!! Maternity styles are infintely cuter than 20+ years ago. There was nothing back then to 'flaunt the bump'

Aw, how wonderful! Congratulations! I have to admit, I did a bit of a double take when you talked about gaining weight as if it were inevitable. So glad to know I won't have to do any finger-wagging over that. Well, not that I was planning on it... ;o)

And it sounds like you have a very good wardrobe plan for the duration. And I am willing to bet that even those old pieces will take on new life now that you are so much more aware of your own style and how to style for it. And if you still can't stand them, hey, it's only a few months.

Lucky baby to have chosen his/her mommy so wisely!
You look absolutely beautiful Natalie - and what a relief to read that the health issues are actually joyous news. Congratulations and best of everything to you and your family.

AHA! You sneaky girl! I suspected something was up but couldnt' quite decipher your "tone" online.

*squeeeeing* So excited for you and your family!

Natalie, how exciting! Congratulations on such a happy "medical" condition!
You do look adorable wih the bump in the last picture. I am with Sarah and Sara - I wish we had better ways of dressing a pregnant body 20 years ago. I cringe just from thinking how frumpy I looked then...
I will watch you "two for one" fashion journey with great interest!

Hi beautiful girl; I'm so happy for you and your hubby. Call me clueless, because I didn't suspect a thing.

Congrats!! You look amazing!

Beth Jones has been going through her first pregnancy, but I think her style is a lot more bohemian than yours. (-:

Best wishes to you and your (growing) family! You look beautiful. Don't hesitate to keep posting WIW!

Yea Natalie! You are such a beautfiul Momma-to-Be! I'm amazed at how your clothese have camofluaged your baby bump! AND - I am so glad that you've finally made the official YLF announcement, because I was having a hard time keeping my mouth shut (or my fingers from rattling over the keyboard!) whenever you posted something about your weight gain. My main strategy to keep your secret was to just not comment - because I really didn't trust myself that I might spill the beans!

Congratulations, Natalie. I was also one of the ones who was wondering if you were expecting because you seemed quite OK with gaining a bit of weight. So much fun.

And I'll be waiting with the others to see you rock the mom-to-be look in the coming months.

Congratulations Natalie. Looking fwd to the next leg of your style journey I think you'll find that living with the capsule wardrobe can be just as liberating and easy.


Congrats! And wow this this third pregnancy I've been told about this month.

Congratulations! What wonderful news! I wish you the happiest and healthiest pregnancy, and it is clear that you will be one stylish expecting woman!