Outfits from last week! After glancing over the last couple weeks of outfits working on soft dressing I've noticed two interesting things: 1) most of my "soft" pieces are in the green-to-blue color spectrum, and 2) when combined several of my softer pieces give off an artier? vibe and while I like it enough, I much prefer my usual boho edge for myself.
- Tuesday, worn to work. I've been meaning to get an emerald tank to layer with these jeans, but in the meantime I have been enjoying using teal. Not sure how well it shows, but I wore some bright pink lip color which is present in the feather print (I think it's a fun, subtle way to pick up on pattern colors!).
- Wednesday, worn to work. Dry enough for wide, floor sweeping hems! Went for a soft tonal gradient (vertically: turquoise, light blue, gray, light gray), and the look felt a little too Classic so I poofed up my bangs to add a touch of rockabilly Though a bright red lip would've played more into the rockabilly, I went with bright pink to keep things softer.
- Thursday, worn to work and out to dinner. Quite a lot cooler, so I thought I'd break out some equestrian-seamed leggings I'd actually purchased for fall. What I _really_ wanted to wear was an a-line colorful printed tunic, but in light of not having any nor feeling any of my dresses that morning, I instead opted for a slouchy skirt and a graphic black/white/cream look. Little peeks of green in both indoor and outdoor versions.
- Friday, worn to work then out for date night (dinner @ movie). Spent the morning sorting through online returns and didn't have time to think up something new and clever, so I went with one of my fall back formulas: loose button-up shirt, slim pants, pumps. These cute little retro peep-toes are one of the few things I bought during Nordstrom's Half Yearly Sale, and they are super comfortable (thanks for the rec, Angie!).
Comments, critiques, thoughts and questions welcome!
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