I've had this dress/jacket/boots combo in my head for a week or so, waiting for the right opportunity to wear it. I had a tough morning and really needed a little extra boost so I was happy not only to have planned this outfit yesterday while painting my nails highlighter yellow, but also because it's pretty, white, and full of elements I really love. Also, the dress has pockets which is always awesome. I wasn't able to get a photo with those pockets, though, because it was so windy out that I was having to hold everything down until the last second when the camera timer went off
It's taken me a long time to adjust to how I look in a bomber jacket. I tried on so many last year and nothing looked right until this one. Eventually I realized that I never liked how those jackets were making my shoulders look; they didn't look as strong as they normally do. Part of why I love this particular jacket is that the sleeve seam doesn't curve down, but the bigger reason is that it has shoulder pads. Yes, my fellow ITs may balk, but apparently that's how it is. This must be the same reason I dislike raglan sleeve tops on myself!
Other little tidbits: * I wanted to add a belt to cover the waist seam, but didn't like the clutter of the buckle so I spun the buckle to my side and voila, clean belted look! * Still cool out, so textured nude tights were a must; I'd love to find another pair or two. * Rarely do I wear, or even purchase, matching jewelry sets, but with these over-the-top neon pieces it felt like a fun match (plus the necklace is only peeking out a little). * I debated going full-hog neon and wear bright orange lipstick and my black/neon lined clutch, but was fond of the simpler color palette so instead wore a better-than-nude cherry pink lip balm and my white clutch. * And lastly, since I always wear earrings I wore my pearl studs because A) I wanted to keep the neon jewelry front and center, and B) Fridays are date nights (going out for sushi later, yum!) and hubby likes these best.
Having a fun outfit planned and ready to go was a huge help today! I normally keep a little list of such outfits handy, but haven't yet done them up for the season. So ultimately I got a reminder to get working on that this weekend. And, whew! I made it through a week of daily outfit posting. Over the hump ^^ Happy Friday, everyone!
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