This week was very stressful for me. I have not recovered from my virus yet but I almost had to forget about it because my kitties were sick - all 3 of them! That involved a lot of vet visits - constant litter box cleaning - floor wiping - medicine giving - general cuddling this week so I just did not have time to be sick myself. Add to this 33C temps for the major part of the week and usual stress at work and you have my week at a glance!
I hope I looked not as disheveled as I felt though :-0
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I found this olive animal print silk thrifted shirt in the donation pile and decided to give it another try. The main problem with it that it is too short to tuck in even for skirts - it gets un-tucked when I sit...
Yellow seamed Halogen pencil skirt, olive silk Jessica shirt (thrifted), nude Franco Sarto to wedge sandals, necklace from a local boutique.

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That was the first 33C day and I could not stand anything with sleeves outdoors so I wore this sleeveless dress and used jacket indoors only. This color combination did cheer me up though!
coral lace dress - Banana Republic, sky blue corduroy blazer - thrifted, nude Fidji pumps, Monty's cousin (bag)

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Another scorcher day at 33C so another sleeveless top was in order and - ta-ta- debut of my white Editors! This was the day I learned that wide leg white trousers look great but come with the price. My mom took in the waist in the front and on the back and when I got them hope I realized they are a bit too tight so I un-stitched the front darts. Well - you guessed that - it made the trousers longer and as a result the hems were touching the floor. Let's just say that I had to throw them into wash right away and even then one hem remained dirty I am shortening them a bit more no0w and make sure they clear the floor by at least 1 cm (sorry Angie!)
White Editor trousers from Express, hot pink tank from Le Chateau, nude Franco Sarto wedges, spider pendant, grey denim jacket from Winners.

I don;t have a picture for the next day because it was a fashion disaster. We had a golf day at work so I decided to wear my white denim bermudas as they have no denim policy at the club. I figured out nobody will recognize them as denim, right? It did not work out: when I dressed in the morning and looked at myself in the mirror I discovered an old stain on the back which was pretty visible on the optic white shorts. So I had to change them last minute for casual cotton bermudas in stone color and it looked not as crisp with my ink blue shirt as the white shorts. Well, these things happen, right? I did not take a picture because we were caught in a real tropical thunderstorm on our way home but you did not miss much

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Today was a bit cooler so decided to dress down my dressy skirt with denim vest.
Spanners midi skirt - thrifted, medium wash denim vest - thrifted, lace white top from Zara, teal Born flats. I know that flats with midi skirt can look frumpy but I thought this works with the denim vest even if it is not the most flattering combination for my legs.
For some reason I always feel I need to match these flats with the bag - never happens for my red bag though. Weird, huh?

As usual any comments and suggestions are very welcome!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend: ours is going to be cooler than the week was so we can breath for a while!

P.S. bonus shots of my patients...

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