I wore this on Wednesday to eat Japanese food and do some local shopping with my guy. I realized this is a go-to look for me (and probably lots of other women) and I haven't changed it for some time. I think I am mentally ready to change things up, but am also feeling content right here and not sure where I want to go next as I seem to keep buying things with the same look (my recent cardigan k/r thread).

Sweater from last year -- Vince. It is horribly pilled! I will never buy another 70 wool 30 cashmere sweater again. I have cheap cashmere that cost me 25% of this and it looks much better, but I do like the cut of this cardigan and it matches the jeans really well. This is a deep brownish-green that reads as almost black but is a nice color on me (although you can't tell from the photo).

Jeans from 2 years ago -- Rag & Bone

Wedge oxfords from 3 years ago -- DV

Print top is from last year -- Velvet

The only thing that is from this year is the iPhone. With one of those pricey but not chic Lifeproof waterproof cases.

Picture #2 -- this jacket came home with me from TJs. It's from Young, Fabulous and Broke. For the Middle-aged, Content but less-Broke me. What do you think? Very wearable and my boyfriend liked it but I'm not sure it's taking me anywhere exciting.

ETA -- the necklace is new! I forgot. From Kenneth Jay Lane, I like the pretty color it delivers near my face.

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