I'm with Queen Mum. If I can ever find my waist again I'll think about tucking.

LOL, I'm with Kim and MsMaven. I'm short-waisted with barely a waist anyway. I just think I look better and more balanced without tucking. I'm barely even friends with belts:)

Okay, I decided to be the guinea pig and I wasn't very happy with the result. These photos look MUCH better than how it looks IRL. I must have been angling the camera down or something.

Photo #1, #2, and #4 are three different pairs of bootcuts. #3 is the side view of the jeans in #2, if that makes any sense.

I feel like the belt hits me at the widest part of my body, so I have a big fat black line across my hips. From the side, the belt goes across the widest part of my body, emphasizing that. Not fab

Maybe if my jeans hung more loosely it would be more flattering. I just feel like this super duper emphasizes my pear tendencies, which I am always trying to balance out.

So, my conclusion is, yes, I am scared! Now terrified and potentially also traumatized. Help, Angie?

Laura, first of all I want that blouse! Second, I hear your concerns. I actually think you need to tuck into loser, higher rise bottoms - short waist and all. We are going to bend the rules and make them work.

Una, I'll beam you up.

I like that white belt, Aida!

I'm going to try this tomorrow. We'll see if I can make it out of the house.

I'm not afraid of tucking but I don't think I have the right shirts for it. My midsection is probably the least toned part/ most squishiest part of my body.

I am. I want to, but for some reason it hasn't worked yet.
I love tucking into skirts.
I wonder if it's a waist band/rise issue for me?

Anna, perhaps you'll get the right tops.

Sarah, could be. It could also be a thigh thing. Skirts are very forgiving on the thighs when you tuck into them.

I have this shirt


but am unsure how the pattern will look tucked.

I literally cannot even imagine tucking. I can't even articulate what the problem is. I don't *think*I am short or long waisted or something. Possibly nothing I own is high-waisted enough? A post with some guidelines would definitely help.

Can I join the club? I do not like how pants look on me in the crotch area and in the rear. I don't even like how they look with the top un-tucked if it does not cover this area completely. Otherwise I would definitely tuck in as I do not have any waist issues
However it does not mean I would not try it. I would try it even now but I have only skinnies now and this is not a good look for them.
Somehow I think that wide leg pants will be easier for me to pull off with tucked in top as they are more forgiving around my "problem" area than the slim cut bootcuts. I will definitely try the look as soon as I acquire the right pants or jeans.

Angie, this is really a late 80s or early 90s look, isn't it? It struck me when I saw Laura's photos that I used to wear my jeans (often somewhat baggy men's 501s, folded and pegged at the ankle) just that way, with a big black men's belt. I'm not 20 anymore, and I don't think I am ready to do it again . . . but never say never, I guess.

Oh, me! My waist is very straight, and I feel like I look wide when I tuck into pants. I will tuck in when I'm wearing a high-waisted skirt because there is a little more definition, but the low waist on most of my pants doesn't seem to work.

Me! Every time I try to tuck, I feel like I look odd. Here is a tucked and untucked look with the same top.

I am, for sure. I'm not short-waisted, but I am high waisted (what waist I have) and it just doesn't work well for me, especially post-baby. A lower rise would even out the proportions, but I'd get a nice muffin top and I don't think it would do my waist any favors. A higher rise would just call attention to my high waist. I'm fine with tucking into high waisted skirts, but they disguise the high waist thing because you don't see the crotch point.

Sveta, spot on.

Velma, what Laura shows *is* a 90's look and that's not quite the look I'm actually trying to reincarnate on this forum, which is why I suggested different jeans to Laura! I'm after the 70's vibe AND mid 80's vibe. They are very different:

70's - wide-ish legs, very low or very high rise, belt, and tucked in top (or crop top)

80's - high rise, pleated waist, peg leg, and tucked in blousy top with sharp shoulders.

Lisa, Outfit #1 looks great!

Anna, you have homework

Not afraid, just not sure that I have the items necessary. But I do have a question-- I'm guessing, shorter legs + leftover baby belly means I should go with a higher waisted style? I love tucking although I haven't done it in a long while. Maybe I will try with my Paige hidden hills even though it's a really dark wash.

I definitely will not be tucking into jeans/trousers. It will look atrocious on me! I try to conceal my muffin top, not show it off! I happily tuck into skirts, though!

I feel like I'm standing over here by myself in the 'nope not a bit afraid of tucking' line.

Yes I am afraid of tucking. When I did it in the 80's (with a slimmer waist) I thought I looked like an ant.

Like many others I am fine with tucking in high waisted skirts ( well in theory, because it can be hard to find ones that fit exactly) but not sure about pants. For someone with my long torso it should be a good look, but I feel like there is a huge expanse between my waist and low slung hips.

Me. But I'm pretty sure there isn't a solution to it - it's just a terribly unflattering look for my body type.

(Edited: I didn't mean that to sound so negative - I'm not defeatist, just realizing that with my large bust and hips, short waist, and body fat, I can sometimes get away with tucking tops into pencil skirts, but tucking my tops into pants is just NOT a good idea.)

Not afraid at all as long as the jeans/paint in question are fairly high waisted. I have been doing this for a while. I can not tuck at all when it comes to low- to medium rise pants - that overemphasizes my already long waist and short legs.

Angie, what do you think of combining a 70s wide leg, higher rise pant with a blousy top?

Now that you spell out what made a 90s look, I can see it (and wore it).

Lisa your tucked outfit looks great, your legs look miles long! Personally, I think it's more flattering looking than the untucked version.

I think for those who are tucking with bottoms that hit below your waist, you have to be OK with surrendering your waist (which I have no problem doing, but it took some time). If you're trying to get the tuck to be AT your waist and having issues, this might be something to keep in mind

Tucking into skirts is good, but pants? Not on me. I feel like I need a garter for my shirt hem to keep it in place. Do they make anything like that?

I would love some suggestions on higher-waisted jeans that would hang loosely!

Laura, have you tried the Long & Leans - with heels? I find them much loser than any of my bootcuts and I have to wear a belt to keep them up - not doing an alteraion because I like them baggy.

I remember tucking being annoying in the 80's, what with getting just-the-right-amount-of-blousing. lol I'm not planning on revisiting any time soon. This is a look I will just appreciate on others.

I definitely am.

I only tried belting and tucking into skirts a year ago. Now I LOVE it and don't want to miss it. I just like how tucking into my skirts improves my style instantly. I've become a total skirt girl.

But tucking into jeans? I think I will pass on that look. I just don't like how it highlights my thighs and behind. I tried it out like you can see below, but it looked awful. The picture from the front is still passable, but the side and behind view isn't really great (so I don't want to show it).

By the way, that's my only fitting pair of jeans/trousers beside my leans. Since I gained weight two years ago I had no luck with finding jeans that fit and weren't really expensive. I paid enough for this one, so I'm not really that enthusiastic to search for another pair. I think I will stick to happily tucking my shirts and blouses into my skirts!