Here's some background info if you're interested:

Initial Whole30 post

Whole30 - Week One Update

Today is Day 14 and the end of week 2. My findings/thoughts are


  • Digestive issues I experienced between days 7 - 12 are over with and my stomach has settled down.
  • No longer craving any carbs or sugar, nor needing snacks or wanting to eat just for the sake of eating. Have become very in tune with my body signals for hunger.
  • Drinking a TON more water and really loving it. This is new for me as I normally am not a big water drinker.
  • My facial skin and hair feel amazing - no more dry patches on my face.
  • I am sleeping better than I have in YEARS. Seriously. I can't get over it. I go to bed and am asleep within 5-10 minutes and I don't wake up once until it's time to get up. And I wake up feeling very rested.
  • My energy level as of yesterday is off the charts. I feel AMAZING.
  • My sinus allergies have completely dissipated and I am no longer taking any antihistamines.
  • I haven't had a single headache or migraine since day 4.
  • Joint pain is starting to subside - hoping this continues.
  • This program has completely re-ignited my love of cooking. I have always enjoyed cooking and do a lot of it. But I'm really liking finding new ways to cook these items in a "clean" fashion and am trying many new combinations and all sorts of different spices and herbs.
  • Ok...I know you're not supposed to step on the scale until the end of the 30 days...but I noticed my pants/jeans were fitting quite differently so stepped on the scale yesterday and could not believe it. I have lost 8 pounds in 13 days without starving myself! I mean, my meals are substantial and I'm eating a lot of food. But clearly I am eating the RIGHT food. I also took my measurements before I started and as of yesterday have lost 1.5 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. So I pulled out two pairs of pants that have languished in my closet the last 8 months because I was unable to do them up and voila - no problem now.


  • From days 8-12 I developed an odd and extremely itchy rash on my legs from upper thighs to ankles, plus a few spots on my arms. Working through whether this is a reaction to an increase in eggs, an allergic reaction to coconut (which was not in my diet previously) or what is termed the "ketosis rash" - which can be alleviated by adding in a bit more carbs. So as of yesterday I eliminated the coconut and am eating either sweet potato, banana or peas each day as a starchy but healthy carb. It is significantly better today.
