As I posted earlier, I've undertaken the Whole30 challenge. I have completed my first week and here are my thoughts for anyone who is interested:

  • I have not cheated. Not once. I committed to completing the challenge in its "pure" state and am not deviating from that. I figure I honestly won't clean out my body if I don't do it correctly.
  • Day 4 has been the hardest so far. I had a complete "carb crash". I was tired, had a headache, and could have eaten a cardboard box if it was sugary or bread-like.
  • Day 6 - the digestive issues of a body cleanse began (as predicted by the program). Won't go into any details - I'm sure you get the idea.
  • Day 7 (today) - I woke up feeling energized and slept through the night last night. I haven't slept through the night in years.
  • Sinus issues have almost completely disappeared. I had been sleeping with a nasal Breathe Right strip for months in order to breathe through my nose while sleeping. Haven't needed that for the last two nights. The puffiness under my eyes is gone (where my sinus mucus gathers). Dairy is known to be a mucus producer so this might be the issue.
  • My eczema is also improving although slowly. I suspect the eczema is related to wheat but not sure yet.
  • My clothes are fitting better - less bloat after a meal. True to the Whole30 program, I have not weighed myself nor will I until the 30 days is up.
  • Significantly less gas and bloating overall (sorry for the gross details but this might be important to someone).
I'm thrilled with the results so far and it's only a week in. I have an appointment for follow up blood tests on Friday, May 1st and will be very interested to see if my insulin, leptin, and LH have decreased.

I'm already considering not going back to my old way of eating based on how I feel right now. I may add back in a glass of red wine on the weekend but otherwise am over the cravings and withdrawal and not looking to add wheat or dairy back in.

Will check back in after completion of Week 2.