This is springing off Anne's off-topic post about how much housework to give her 11-year-old: I'm struggling with this question myself. I feel that my 11-year-old daughter should do a few chores, but frankly, she doesn't have time.

I always swore I wouldn't be one of those mothers who overschedules her kids, but here we are. Up until this year, she had only two activities: violin and martial arts. That seemed reasonable. But in September she started middle school. Because she's doing late French immersion (her choice, not mine), her homework load suddenly went from nearly nothing to several hours a night (which seems ridiculous to me, but seems to be the trend where we live, even if you're taking the regular English stream). I guess learning a new language is a lot of work! And then she joined the school band (which I didn't discourage, because of its team-building aspect), but it starts at 7:30 in the morning two days a week. Urghhh.

Anyway, scroll forward to November, and my daughter was having weekly meltdowns because she couldn't keep up. 80% of her homework time was taken up by math. I was baffled, because she was getting an A in math (and always has). She seemed to be having no trouble with understanding the concepts -- fractions, decimals, negative numbers, geometry, whatever. Anyway, it transpired that she hadn't learned her times tables properly in elementary school. So she'd arrive at the right answer, but each question would take her forever.

She was resistant to the idea of learning from me (always has been!) so I enrolled her in Kumon. She wasn't very happy about it, but she can't deny that it's working. It's magic. (OK, not magic -- I'm pretty sure it works by repetition, but still). However, it involves a half hour of homework seven days a week, plus on two of the days you have to go to the Kumon centre. So now she has a half hour of violin practice a day, a half hour of Kumon a day, daily homework from school, martial arts twice a week, band two mornings a week, and a weekly violin lesson. It makes my head hurt thinking about it.

So, is it just me, or is this activity schedule ridiculous? I plan to pull her out of Kumon at the end of July, by the time she has got through division, so that will help. Does anyone else have school-aged kids with such a full schedule? How do you handle it? I wish there was more time for kids to just be kids. I remember having lots of time to hang out as a kid. The problem is, my daughter's friends are all in after-school activities, so it's not like she'd have anyone to hang out with.

Sorry, this is a long ramble, but it has been bothering me. If you read through to the end, thank you.