Ah, when did I get so trendy?!

B/W stripes, boyfriend jeans, silver bag, and galaxy oxfords, all in one go. But for some reason, this particular pile of trends does not offend me. *shrug* Worn out to make some returns on what turned out to be a really warm first day of March.

A wee bit dejected today, between DH's comments about my hair and my jeans. Normally I don't listen, but it's sometimes hard to take being called a "young Chinaman with breast implants" and basically being told that I am being brainwashed into liking bizarre and ugly things by paying attention to fashion. He is not being mean about it, just teasing, but yeah. Not really helpful as I start a career centered on fashion. -_-

Anyone else out there get persecuted for following trends? Even if you only wear the ones you genuinely like?

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