Sorry for MIA lately, I try to get my daily dose of fabness by reading at least. I know I owe you one outfit and I will make it up soon.

In the meantime, here is the weekend outfit.

Every time I wear this purple quilted jacket I remember my thoughts when I was contemplating whether to buy it: "But Angie says (i.e. not my fault!) that you dress for the climate you live in and this jacket is perfect for my new climate and my new lifestyle". And every time I wear it I am so happy I had listened to my inner voice

The truth is, it really is perfect - lightweight, breathable and warm, perfect for transitional weather, can be layered underneath easily, dressy enough not to appear too casual, short and practical for the bike rides, gorgeous color that works with my existing wardrobe AND has great huuuuge collar that can be zipped or unzipped and protect my neck from cold.

It was perfect for the recent breezy days too - we have had some crazy weather recently and have practically regressed to early Spring temepartures-wise, totally off-sync with the calendar.

About the outfit

On Sunday, a day after celebrating our friends' triplets' birthday and coming home after the midnight, we went on the airfield to see hubby's work colleague's glider and what the fuss is all about.

Long story short, we were offered a ride too. It might have been just too tired and short of rest from the day before, but I said YES unhesitatingly. Btw, I am the person who hates roller-coasters and generally anything stomach-churning.

In the end, I was very happy I accepted the offer. It's a great experience. The feeling of gliding is nowhere like flying. After the initial surprise of the winch pull to take the glider off the ground, it only took some getting used to the sensation of the glider turning left or right at sharp angles, and that was it. The rest is about enjoying the ride and the scenery.

Gliding was never on my "Things to do in life" list, but now it's been added and ticked off at the same time

Thanks for looking.