Rachylou's thread about online shopping (and returning) made me think about a connected question: how much time do you think you spend on your wardrobe - not just shopping, but shopping, time on YLF, maybe taking some pictures to post, browsing catalogs/websites, returning items that didn't work out, keeping a budget if you have one, maintaining your clothes, the periodic cull and trip to the thrift store, etc? If I were honest with myself I probably spend a couple hours a week on it, more of course if I count doing the laundry, which is a bit of a combination thing since I also wash my husband's clothes and household items. I probably go to the mall or a clothing store once every couple of weeks, at least to browse. And I probably spend some time online or looking through catalogs that came in the mail every day or two.

If I put together all the time I've spent at YLF since I joined, I probably could have written War and Peace in the interim, but then, fashion's a hobby not just a practical necessity for me, and I suspect for most of us here.