Chrizzle has some wise words, IMO. I think we've all sometimes made comments - perhaps out of nervousness or defensiveness or just plain social awkwardness - that we later regretted. Perhaps Ms. UnSnazzy is aware of her faux pas and is now kicking herself. If we don't want others to judge us harshly, we might want to be careful about judging them permanently by one comment. If she is a terrible person she will show it again and again, but if this was an unfortuante one-off, she might be a decent person who just stuck her foot in her mouth. Give her another chance, or at least don't avoid her or be rude to her for now. You will know soon whether she meant to be hurtful or not.

And while we all dislike encountering rude people, that is important information, too. And you potentially know who you DON'T want your DD being friends with!

Wow, so many words of wisdom to savor! Thanks to all of you for your sage advice and words of support! I am planning to give Yoga Pants Mom the benefit of the doubt and assume positive (or at least neutral) intent and not worry about her comment anymore. At the time I was too taken aback to say anything, I just laughed and nodded. But hopefully it's not a big deal and we'll all have forgotten about it the next time we talk. I don't have a problem with people wearing yoga pants...I probably would too if I had a nice pair. Anyhow, it might be a moot point because she has a son and my daughter is getting to that age where she prefers to play with girls. It's interesting how the classroom groups are starting to segregate into groups of girls and groups of boys playing together, much more so than in preschool last year. I guess that's a natural part of development.

Alicat, I love that quote. And Sona, thank you for the link to Sal's article on what to say, that was very helpful. Anne, you're right, I wouldn't act dumber just to fit in. Chrizzle, I agree, I have stuck my foot in my mouth plenty of times so I won't hold it against her! Lemonade--well my house is sometimes a huge mess, but with two young kids, that can't be helped, LOL! Andrea and others, thanks for sticking up for the word snazzy. I think I will reclaim that title and instead of being offended, take it as a compliment that she considers me a "snazzy" dresser! Look for an upcoming "WIW: Snazzy" post! LOL! Thanks again everyone for your comments! I've read them all several times and they make me feel all warm and fuzzy! YLF is such a great community!

Wow! This is quite the discussion! I love all the wise words you've gotten here, and know that you are a capable, smart young woman who will find her way through this

In the meantime, I found Kyle's link to be pretty interesting and funny. I kept browsing, got back into older posts, and found this one -- and aren't those your pants in the 2nd pic?'

Be sure to read the caption and her funny comments about making the floral pants 'appropriate for drop-off' . . . what a strange world it has become!

Makes me happy those days are gone in my house -- I would have been in yoga gear, I'm sure -- hopefully I would NOT have flapped my lips with a snarky comment about anyone else though!

LOL Kyle and MNSara, that website is so funny!! And yes those floral pants are like what I was wearing! Who knew there was a whole website devoted to school drop-off fashion! Hilarious!

OMG, "appropriate for drop-off"???? What the heck? I did not know there was a dress code. LOL

Of course, I was one of the loserific walk to schoolers.

In your photo, you're wearing some really cute aqua pumps. Are these your KS ones, Natalie? I really like them and they go so well with your entire outfit. Are they comfy?

My first reaction is that she spoke out of jealousy that you were better dressed than she. I may be mistaken, but I think most comments like this stem from insecurities. Why else would she have said such a thing? I doubt there was any positive intent, but it's best to take the high road and not worry about it. Meanwhile, keep dressing nicely. If you're like me, you wouldn't feel comfortable going to your DD's school in athletic wear anyway. I never did, and I was a SAHM for many years. It's really no excuse to dress sloppily. And yes, thank goodness for Stacey and Clinton reminding people that there are rules.

Even if she knowingly made the snarky comment, it doesn't change the fact that some people will ALWAYS try to drag others down to the lowest common denominator. If they like to dress down in the extreme, they may feel that others are being "stuck up" for wearing nice clothing. People make judgements out of envy and insecurity. You took the high road and that is always a class act. Just as classy as the way you dress!

Well, I'll just add that these women better get a grip! Parents are going to arrive at their kid's school from work, from play & everything in between. Life is too short to worry about this stuff. Maybe since the start of kindergarten is looming they're feeling separation anxiety & lashing out at nicely dressed, friendly parents for some deep seated psychological reason. LOL

Vicki, yes those are the Kate Spade Shelly pumps in turquoise. I would say they are comfortable enough, but not comfort shoes. There's not really much padding. I would call them "office" shoes because I can wear them for a day at the office where I'm sitting while seeing patients, and standing for a couple hours while doing procedures, and walking short distances. But I wouldn't wear them to my long on-call at the hospital days where I'm walking up and down the halls all day. For those if I wear pumps it has to be my old lower-heeled Clarks or Easy Spirit pumps. The ones that I bought pre-YLF seem to be much more comfortable than my post-YLF purchases, although those newer ones definitely attract much more attention!