This is the fun photos post! I'll follow up with some individual reviews of items that I tried and some general sale thoughts in separate posts. Onwards!

1. Sale mayhem just before my arrival. I had never visited the flagship store. It's much bigger than Vancouver's store (which is also quite large) with much better selection and options. It was busy in store but extremely civilized. Of course it helped that I was travelling with a Queen and supported by her retinue. Seriously, though -- "busy" does not equal Filene's basement madness. Just a lot of shoppers.

2. The Queen herself -- without shoes. Because I stole her shoes to wear them myself in 3. Trying on jeans.

4. Selfie fun.

5. Long Rag & Bone jacket for anyone who wants to see.

6. Halogen bouclé.

7. 1 State windowpane jacket.

8. Our lovely assistant takes a pic.

9. Topshop jacket.

10/11. 1 State longline

Footwear department try-ons -- more information to follow.

22/23 -- the amazing Annagybe! Check out those shoes...

24. What I got -- or am hoping to get (some items not available, more to follow.)

Below are Finds of items I tried on/ considered/ looked at and talked about with Angie -- I have more information on all for those who are curious and throughout the day will be writing separate category posts to help shoppers!

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