I mentioned elsewhere that I have a 3-day weekend in NYC coming up, end of September. The occasion: a dear friend's "big one" birthday. An action-packed weekend is planned, including lots of shopping.

I thought packing for this wasn't going to be too difficult, but just said yes to giving rides back to Boston to two of my friends. Which means I do not have as much trunk space (our trunk is already tiny to begin with). Which means I have to pack light.... EEK. I don't do "light" well!

To make this fun, I thought we could do a YLF Forum challenge, if anyone is interested?

The challenge, should you choose to accept it: Show me the outfits you'd pack and wear if it was you going on this weekend trip. Pick one event ("shopping with girlfriends" "dinner out" "show" "brunch" "walking around central park" "in case it rains" "in case it gets cold" "for the drive there and back" "here's how you dress in layers for a variable day" etc,) or several. Your choice.

You are also free to just give me tips and advice about what to pack, to keep it all to a minimum!! I know-- "black." And comfortable shoes. Heh heh.

Weather: so far looks like 70s, cooling down in the evening. It could get colder or wetter as we get closer. The itinerary includes shopping, dinners, brunches, shows... all the usual suspects....

I'm putting this under "Inspiration" because I need inspiring....