That's kind of what this combo of plum, navy, and black reminds me of - which is a good thing in my UWP/tomboy book.

Unfortunately skipping another picture challenge because I used up my one red item for the week.

Also sporting some trusty old boots I could not part with despite similarities with my Cortonas. A super comfy 3" heel is just too nice to pass on, and these are much slouchier, which I like to balance the width of the blazer.

I wish I had the option to lengthen the chain on my pendant a tick, but I guess I am spoiled by my other adjustable chains.

Theory Lanai - ebay
Vaneli sweater - $1 at flea market
Theory new recovery pant in black - ebay
Apepazza boots - Amazon
Bullet crystal necklace - gift from a fab friend
Brahmin - Nordies

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