I started my purchasing fast on the same day that Janice from the Vivienne Files started hers. In fact, she was the inspiration for starting my purchasing fast in January as opposed to February (as I originally intended): http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....s-is-doing

Janice did lay out some exceptions to her purchasing fast in her blog. I agree because exceptions are a necessary part of life: http://www.theviviennefiles.co.....mment-form

But today Janice is rolling those back: http://www.theviviennefiles.com. I completely understand her logic, but I am still a bit disappointed.

It seems to me that purchasing fasts/shopping fasts are impossibly hard in our culture and I am going to explore that idea in the upcoming month. I have reasons for wanting to cut down on impulsive buys (not just clothing) and I would like to be successful. But sometimes I feel our very culture of buy, buy, buy sets me up to fail.

I did not buy the denim skirt I considered earlier this week: http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....y-wardrobe.

My purchasing fast continues. Janice reports it is day 57. I personally think it is day 59 (31 days in January plus 28 days in February).

Janice's post today made me want to continue my purchasing fast through March just to prove to myself it was doable.

ETA: Re-reading this, it seems like a bunch of caffeine-fueled ramblings.