As others have been doing, I thought I'd do a wrap-up of No-Repeat November. I spent the first two weeks trying to weed out orphans. Then I had a change of heart, tossed the orphans, and decided to wear all favorites.

To take stock of my favorites, I used pinterest and realized that I prefer reds and blues for colors - just about every shade of those two (including purple and teal). And Black, gray and white for neutrals. For patterns, I like things with straight lines (stripes or plaids). So I went through my closet and moved everything that didn't fit that (rather narrow, I thought) criteria into my probation bin. (My camo jeans are an exception to this criteria. They're too fun for probation still).

I still have LOTS of clothes. And I like the colors I kept so much (though I think I'll add back in a dash of orange, and maybe a green or two here or there) - I really think this has good potential to become a permanent (maybe seasonal though, not sure) color palette.

So here's the month.

Purged are tops from #5, #6, #9
In "probation" are tops from #1, #7, #18, the jeans in #6
Tops I repeated are: cardi in #1 and #14
burgundy sweater in #10 and #27
black sweater in #12, #19 and #28
white layering tee in #8, #24, and #25

A "purchases for 2013 f/w" post should be coming in the next few days - most of the new things are pictured here

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