Angie's post today made a lightbulb go off over my dim head. Our whole discussion about a classic vs. dated item confused me. But today Angie referred to classics not always being timeless, and there is the key! A item like a navy blazer might be classic, but a particular blazer is not timeless. So classic refers to a genre (whereas dated is not a genre but an adjective, so they are not oppositional as I'd imagined- i.e. its not dated vs, classic but a "dated classic").

Sorry if this is too esoteric or totally obvious, but you know I love me some over analysis and fashion semantics! Plus it cleared my poor brain...

With this in mind I feel accessories are more likely to be timeless - diamond studs, a Burberry scarf, a Chanel purse.

Whaddya think? On the money or off my rocker?