It has been 1 day since my last purchase.

I have a day off from work today, but it was exceedingly hard to peel my tush off the computer chair (actually an inflatable work out ball) and complete my errands. I didn't get moving until after noon, but I feel much better now, having made a bunch of returns, shipped my Ebay sales off to their new owners, and picked up a couple odd things I've been ignoring... like, er... water.

Took some good advice from a previous thread and tried moving my indoor shot next to the window. I don't have any great place to put a tripod, but at least this is neither over nor under exposed and I still have a chin. Plus: bonus "plush sculpture" sighting!

I am not generally a fan of bomber jacket styling, because the banded hems always seem to ride up on me, meaning it is pretty much impossible to wear them zipped up. But since this one is very sentimental for me (bought it when DH took me to Japan for my graduation from college), I keep it in my car to throw on whenever I need a little something.

Black denim bomber jacket - Japanese thrift store circa 2006
Linen tank - Madewell
Boyfriend jeans - Old Navy
Brahmin satchel - Nordstrom
Elizabeth & James sunnies - Nordstrom
Lucky Moran sandals - Amazon
Cougar skull pendant - The Pewter Wolf on Etsy

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