So yesterday was a lovely Labor Day. I went on a lakefront bike ride
with DH for the first time in 3 years. School and work schedules were not kind to us during that time. I usually make a point to ride on the lakefront as much as possible during the summer and DH usually needs the stars to align just so before venturing out on a bike -- not that he's a couch potato. He's done half marathons and triathalons etc. I think he's not as attached to biking on the lakefront as I am. DH is on vacation this week and is no longer in school so the timing was perfect.

I wore red shorts which you can barely see for the bike ride. Later on for dinner out I threw on my BF jeans which had been neglected for the past year because the temperature dropped. Sadly, I dropped my camera while the lens was open between photos and now have to use my phone until my camera is repaired . To make up for my busted camera, I had a yummy
burger and apple pie a la mode for dinner (healthy yeah I know).

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