Sharkbite hem tank (via Una, at last year's Shoptoberfest!) and a bite to eat for the kitties (huge bag o' cat food).

Worn for the ridiculous heat to go to the flea market, grab a morning In 'N Out burger, pick up cat food (obvs), and drop off a return to UPS. I am so totally over summer in every which way... I want to go back to work just to bask in the almost-cool air! I had to switch out to my nylon Zella tote today (tucked behind my left shoulder) because I knew my hands would get sweaty holding leather. I also started the day wearing my mini silver pulley on a bead chain, but my skin doesn't like touching metal when it is hot, and I had to rip it off mid-flea.

Must remember for the future: black tanks are great for the heat and show no sweat marks!

Freeloader tank - Una via swap party
Lucky Brand shorts - $1 flee market DIY, chopped down from long pants
Worishofer sandals - DNA Footwear
Spy Sunglasses - Ebay
Zella tote - flea market

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