Hi there,

Know there are some other color analysis addicts on here, so thought I would share my most recent OCD-ery with it. I more or less know the lines and styles that I like, so its always color I'm messing about with.

So, I've been color-analyzed as a winter, a cool summer, and a shaded summer (draw your own conclusions about the value of a pro analysis from that!). So I made a list of all the key colors in the palettes I was given and then took the ones that made all three of the lists, which are:

black (not on cool summer, but no way I'm leaving it behind - it's on winter and shaded summer), white, light gray, navy, charcoal, true blue/soft royal blue, fuchsia, plum, raspberry, icy blue, burgundy, periwinkle, rose pink, icy/light pink, and purple.

Based on this list I have applied both the Bobbie Thomas color compass, as well as a vague consideration of my DYT type (in which I am a Type 4; I am very not-strict about this part so it's just for added guidance), and chose this palette, which I intend to work with:

Dark Neutral: Black/Navy
Light Neutral: White
Medium Neutral: Light/Icy Gray or Chambray
Power Color: Blue (clear & cool shades)
Warm Weather Accent: Fuchsia/Brighter Raspberry
Cool Weather Accent: Plum/Deeper Raspberry
Favorite: for now, blush pink, but I'll switch this up season to season based on trends and what I'm feeling.

Of course I'll be over-analyzing it all again next week But for this week, this is no-excuses - it incorporates all the various advice I've gotten re: color and condenses it into one usable palette with plenty of variety but also (I think) cohesion. I'll try to be strict with it, at least for the next season, and see what's what with it.

I'll stop short of creating a Venn diagram although clearly that is the next logical step!!

Has anyone else tried to do this sort of cross-analysis on their color palette?

Thanks for reading this rather long post!