The bad news - it's still winter. I'm bored by my neutral looks and didn't think I wore anything worthy of sharing, even though I was taking photos of my outfits. But then I realized that I wore bootcuts for 2 days in a row. In winter! I also bought a pair of oxfords (my first ever) and they immediately came handy because my black bootcuts (photos 1 and 2) are a bit short (ok, *very* short by Angie's standards) to be worn with any sort of heel. In general, not particularly happy with the silhouette. I've always favored blazers and fitted tops in general, and this waist-hiding look is not my best.
Photo 3 features another pair of bootcuts (very bright for a change), with Frye boots.
Bonus pics are the new oxfords (#4) and the little fashionista (#5) who rocks her outfits no matter what.

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