When I was 3, I remember Dad going away on his first work trip. A big deal as it involved a 5-hour plane trip and being away from home for a week. When he returned, he had presents for all the family, it was like Christmas. I received a teddy and a beautiful blue dress from a department store. The teddy became my constant companion. Mum let me wear that dress as much as I wanted which was basically everywhere as within a year, I had outgrown it.
I was the most dressed up child at BBQ's and at the playground where I was in a dress and Mary-jane shoes when all the other children wore shorts and sandals. It has never bothered me being overdressed!
It is really fun reading these stories and I had almost forgotten Dad's first work trip. He set a precedent for subsequent work trips which became more frequent and so he was less lavish, but always made sure we got chocolates or another treat.