I had shoulder length hair for a long time, and would blow dry it with a round brush after washing it. I washed it every other day, and would wear it in a ponytail when it wasn't freshly washed.
At one point I was setting it in foam rollers at night about once a week and then brushing it out into waves, using dry shampoo when it got oily before a wash. that was a ton of work!
Then I cut it off and it got super easy to "do". I still blow dried it with my fingers to get it going the right direction, but just rubbed a little pomade through it and done.
Recently, I've been growing it longer and got it permed, so it's super curly. I "do" it by dousing it with water, scrunching in curl creme, because I shower in the evening (still only wash it every other night) and the curls get really fluffy when I sleep on them.