I have a super cute Betsey Johnson clutch bag that looks like a pug dog. I eyed it for several months and commented about it on forum and Angie said I needed to buy it. I love it and wear it on occasions like holiday parties, etc., where a bit of whimsy is just perfect. And I always get compliments on it. This Betsey Johnson pack is in that same mode. Yes, my pug clutch is not "age appropriate" for a 63yo, but well, whatever!

Nebraskim, I LOVE THAT. Thanks for sharing.

Ladies, thanks for more giggles and support.

You must get that adorable Yorkie bag to honor yorkies, past and present. It can be a conversation starter.

That is beyond adorable! Of course you must have it and wear it lol

Let us know if a Yorkie dogsled/chariot team eventuates

...and don't get me started on a Mad Max inspired scene !

Joy and Cheryl as doggie people - you get it.

Cee, the Yorkies are on strike. They want to be IN the charriot. They've hired Huskies to do the job.

Well, that makes sense

Sometimes you just know when a fashion item is right for you.

If you do become the neighbourhood crazy dog lady, good for you