Suz, my fit issues were the same as Natalie's. The front stuck out over my chest-torial protrusions like a huge bib. I felt like I was 6 months old! I'm just enjoying these shirts on you and Angie and Ingunn from afar. Just like Rae is going to enjoy the white TR Camerons on you from afar when you buy them and she returns them. (Let the ganging up commence!)

It doesn't get any better than this! Love!

You know Angie's comment was interesting. In some ways I share the features of the upper half of your body type and yet I don't feel that button downs look very good on me. I think I feel that I don't fill them out in the bust. Of course you and Angie are that bit more dainty (and Angie more busty) than I am so maybe that makes the difference. I have just ordered one, so I'll see how it turns out.
Hmm. Anne, I wonder what would be going on with that? I find they look better on me (by far) when my hair is short so with your longer hair now you might not like them as much. Also, it has to be the right button down...some fit better than others. And it's really important for the fabric to display the right blend of crispness and drape. I dislike my denim button down (even though I love the colour) because it is too stiff and bulky. I feel frumpy in it.

Overall, I think you also have to be at peace, in a sense, with the androgynous vibe.
Suz, a very perceptive point there with the androgeny. I don't think I have an androgenous element to my style at all. And my mother who is equally small busted (but more of a rectangle than me, with skinny legs) has always favoured button downs, but she has quite a tomboy sporty style.
I love both shirts. I think the stripes in #1 are fighting with the whiskering in the jeans. The tuxedo shirt is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I actually like it better with these jeans. I wish you'd shown it tucked with the red belt so I could compare side-by-side.
I have nothing new to add, as the ladies have already said it so eloquently, and I agree 200%. Both shirts are beyond perfect on you, Suz. The fit and styles look amazing, AND both are so very Suz that I want to squeal with delight. Love the way you have styled them here too, plus I'm super excited just thinking of all the different ways you can wear them. And such perfect timing too, now they can come along for your trip:-)

I also fully agree with Angie's statement: you and button-down shirts were made for each other, big time!!

Have a marvelous trip, super stylish Suz!

P.S. Thank you for your very sweet words.