Yes! I wear things that are "too young" and "too tight" and "too loose" and "too casual" and so on... because "projecting a certain image" or "controlling how others perceive me so that my body appears conventionally appealing (and avoiding appearing somehow unappealing)" is really only ONE aspect of dress; despite the societal pressure that this is the most important aspect - how other people react to how we present ourselves - it's not always and it shouldn't be. This week I fit into a t-shirt again I haven't been able to wear in years; I wore it with a casual skirt that has a yoga waistband, and I worried that "oh, you can see my belly in this" because the combo of the shirt and skirt outlined the stomach. But I've lost a lot of weight and I'm so happy I can wear these clothes that didn't fit me just three weeks ago, and I was comfortable. So how I felt was more important than how others might perceive me. In fact, feeling good made me more confident and I probably projected that, so does my visible belly outweigh my attitude?
Sally at Already Pretty has written about this before; here's a recent piece you might like?
I think it's awesome you posted this outfit even thinking it would be criticized. I think it's great you feel good in this. =) I think volume on volume is an interesting rule-break!