Deborah - yes, I wore this to work. It was a great success. I felt very tall and long today. Even my uber stylish boss commented that she liked my blouse... which is nice but I was planning to wear this outfit to my review next week so I'm going to have to find something new to wear now.

Tis is a beautiful silhouette for you. I love the blouse, the perfect compliment to your slacks.

Rita, a great outfit there! I think the toning dark colours and the drapey quality of both fabrics is really helping with skimming and figure flattery, as well as adding height --- a lot of which I think comes from the blouse's vertical folds too! I'm liking how the curves in that pattern tie in with your hair's texture too!

This looks great! That top is fantastic.

I really like this on you! Your legs look a mile long here and that blouse is fantastic.