I kept the sweater and today's the second time it goes for a spin. I paired it first with my navy tweed shorts and a long sleeved tee in light grey. I pulled the sleeves up and left the grey from the shirt underneath show and I weared it on for a coffee date with a friend.

Now I am trying to put it to work. Here I layered it over a 3/4 sleeved dress. I am wearing a skinny belt to secure in place. It is 9 degrees outside, but the forecast says it is going to warm up to 16 Celsius, so I guess I can go without a jacket. Is i a yay or a nay? Is it work approppriate?

As @Suz warned me, a jacket over this sweater looks weird. It is not that I can't fit the pullover under a roomier moto, for example, but his oversized cut doesn't look good under anything. It seems like one is trying to tailor a clear untailored cut, and is, therefore, missing the point of the whole style. @Suz, as usual, spot on!

Luckily enough this sweater is crazy warm. Easy the warmest I got right now, so as long as temperatures are above 0 Celsius, I can get it out without the need for a jacket!

Pic: Lace dress ("a shy" black - looks very navy when I pair it with pink or navy pieces - and nude), navy 80 thighs, navy suede tall boots and navy sweater.

UPDATE: Some jacket must, however, come along. Last minute it started to rain. Black trenchcoat out, as long as I wear it closed, I guess it can pass.

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