You could also plan a driving route where you first stop at the consignment and then to the thrift store to drop off the rest. That way you at least tried, but still come home empty handed.

I've tried consigning and made about $40 a trip here and there, but that was way less than the value of the clothes I brought in. I only consign things if I recently bought them and immediately realized they don't work for me. It's tough to accept the monetary loss sometimes. But after being rejected by the shops the past few times, and not really liking the general vibe of any of my local shops, I'm sticking to online reselling.

I thrift most of my clothes so I'm happy to give tons and tons to Goodwill - sometimes my impulse buys go right BACK to Goodwill from whence they came! My apartment neighbor is an awesome, very fashionable and fun woman with four grown sons. She reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw. We leave bags of clothes, magazines, makeup, etc for each other all the time. It's so fun to come home to a bag of goodies by my door; anything I don't want I then share with other women I know. Other than Goodwill and my neighbor I will save items for my family members and lady friends. I usually have a stockpile in our spare closet waiting for the right person. Finally I sell some items on ebay if I think they're worth the effort, and I resell vintage on Etsy because it's a good way to feed my shopping habit. It's fairly painless to resell and donate/giveaway items if I always have them categorized and stored.

I say off to Goodwill. One large trip to purge it all is easier to me than lots of tiny trips with only a little gone at a time. But once I make up my mind, I want to see the end result (in this case, and empty closet).