Yes Rachy, I agree with your comment!!
Or maybe there are things that we should be worried about, but distract ourselves from by shopping or tv viewing. I swing between worrying that I am not worrying/acting enough or thinking that life is short I should be happy/not spending all my time worrying!!
Back to the topic though, I think some retailers have lost their way - and while adaptation is vital in any business, some have alienated their traditional market but not quite found the new one.
A retailer I used to support a lot falls into this position. They used to be a great source for work clothes - great work pants, tailored dresses, merino tops etc and some wonderful evening pieces too. It was not cutting edge but it was trendy. Now I find they have moved to a lot of knitwear with very few colour options, endless pairs of black leggings, polyester tunics, and short dresses. The prices are similar to 10 years ago, so in the whole better value, but infinitely worse in quality and styling. So they have lost me 10 years on, and I am not sure they are appealing to those 10 years younger than me that may perceive it as "too old". I would not want the same cut of merino or work pants, but updated versions in a decent range of colours and cuts would still sell...