I did not have time to read all comments but I prefer #1 sans the scarf (both with booties and boots).
Honestly I am really surprised that you feel more yourself in #2. For me #1 (or 3) is similar to fluid trousers and fluid top outfits which are very much your style.
I may completely lost my sense of style on my bujsiness trip but for the life of me I don't see more horisontal lines in #1 compared to #2! There is low contrast between the top and the skirt and also the fluid (read not straight) hem on the sweater looks less horisontal than the grey sweater in #2.
Maybe you feel that this particular sweatshirt is dressier because of the sequins while grey sweater is more casual (of course does not matter how you dice and slice it the black skirt IS more dressier than the denim skirt).
Also from the point of comfort I would think that flared skirt is more comfortable
than the straight skirt, no?
On the other hand it may be that denim skirts were never my thing and I am biased here...:-)

I only just read Sveta's last comment and I voted for 2, but if I could have #1 without the scarf I might have (because there is sparkle and the blue is gorgeous on you)... NO. I will be strong I don't care for the sheer hose in 1, I love the combo in 2. I think I failed though since 1 is probably more you and 2 is more me? I give up. Can I have an Angie snack please?

LOL, Jeanne.

Sveta, I think you are responding as Angie did more to the details of the items, and in that sense I think #1 might be more "me." But no - it is the silhouette that is different -- it is less a strong vertical line in #1 (and 3) because of the flared skirt. And maybe also the sheer hose - I have to think on that some more.

But I appreciate all opinions here. It has been very helpful. I'm not ruling out this silhouette or these items, either -- not at all! It's still "me." I just think I need to be looking in general towards a fairly vertical line. I think it is one reason the tube skirts work so well on me.

A lot has happened since I commented on this thread! I really want to reread but am popping on just to say I love the newly unveiled #3 as much I thought I would. But there is something about #2 that does read very Suz to me. Maybe it is more that I associate that look with more cerebral pursuits? (A prejudice that I want to immediately shoot down once it makes its way to my conscious mind.)

Also popping back to say that #3 is lovely. Suz, I have a pair of boots with straps like you are wearing in #1, because I can tighten the straps to fit my leg more tightly. I hope to find a pair that fit without straps...someday ...
This thread has been full of food for thought. Now I feel armed and better able to respond to SAs and friends who are convinced that I must buy something that they say looks fantastic on me when I don't feel it's "me". I don't mean something new that I like but need to get used to, but something that just isn't my style like jeans with blingy back pockets.
Thank you for starting this discussion.

V late to this discussion. But been wanting to say all day that I think #2 is more 'everyday Suz'. More contemporary silhouette vs conventional figure flattery, not as hourglass as the first which is also more dressy. I am tempted to go so far as to call #1 'girly' with more of the prince about #2... although I surprise myself there because the latter feels more Kibbe natural where the lovely blue and the shimmer and sheer are far more princely? Also, the second silhouette and proportions look just a tad edgier to me simply because they defy conventional figure flattery... and it's yet very flattering, just not aiming to showcase the hourglass as many figure flattery rules seem to aim for.