I really like the lucy brand lucy.com which is also sold on Zappos.

Excuse the late posting to this, but since this is such a great thread for future reference, wanted to add for the tall people - many (maybe all?) MPG leggings have three hems, so you can cut them to the perfect length. I don't cut them, and for the first time ever have leggings that are long enough for me.
In addition to MPG leggings, I like Athleta shirts and jackets and Under Armour tanks.

Interesting @Salt-sea; what a great idea to do three hems! I'll have to look at mine more closely when I get home...

Thanks for sharing! No doubt this will be useful to all of us (I'm short, but sometimes I like my leggings to hit me at a crop length!)

Not a brand so much as a store, but MEC has lots of great gear too and seems to be bringing in more fashion forward stuff all the time. (Cdn equivalent of REI)