I don't recall giving up an activity. But I do tailor my clothing for the weather and activity.
I rather like the feel of a snug waistline, and enjoy dressing up in
conventionally flattering garments. I know many/the majority of YLF-ers
would not find that comfortable. I like the look so much that most of
the time it's not a question of comfort.
I don't compromise on fit, so that's first. Cut plays a big part in
that, however, since many cuts don't play nicely with my emphasized
curves. Ex: tops that fit beautifully from neck to waist, then
immediately ruck up on my hips.
Material comes after that.
Price is absolutely an influence, since I don't have a bottomless wallet. My shoe choices have been getting pricier (albeit most bought on discount) because certain kinds are a better, more comfortable fit for my feet.
- Like always trying, I don't have any shoes that aren't minimally comfortable.
- Some of my shoes are church-only. Meaning I only regularly wear them on Sunday mornings. They aren't fun to wear all day at work, since I walk so much further. If I'm going shopping after church, I try to toss a different pair of shoes into the car to change into.
- I'm not super picky about natural fibers, except that I cannot wear 100% polyester dresses to work when the high temperature is over 95F in the shade. I can be fine on the morning walk and indoors for 10 hours, but 10 minutes in the parking lot + car that's another 20F hotter --> hot and miserably sweaty and icky clothes. Even heavier cotton knits don't work. A lightweight, breezy polyester or poly-cotton top and skirt are okay, but I save the poly dresses for cooler weather.
- I'm avoiding acrylic sweaters. I'm naturally cold-natured, but somehow acrylic makes me sweat while still feeling cold. Merino is <3.