THANK YOU, ladies.
Echo, Go Team Flats. Fab and fashionable.
Gail, yay for white jeans and bookending.
Jussie, support acts can make the difference.
Anne, you are lovely. I feel your affection.
Aloha emily, cheers to defining lips and brows - especially brows. My fave.
JAileen, you make me laugh.
Dianna, you are wise, gracious and wonderful. WELL DONE.
Sal, that’s excellent planning and you’ve reaped the reward.
ChrisM, I’m touched. Thank you.
Sisi, you crack me up. Trust me, I’ve done the same thing and over bought Summer clothes and shoes. I know better now.
Mainelady, I knew you were going to say have fun with fashion - and you DO.
Texstyle, I would have guessed lifestyle and climate. You are sorted.