AMEN, sistah! GP, you dress brilliantly if you have an apple to speak of. After two kids, you are looking flawless to me! I admire your taste and self-confidence. You go, girl. For me, even at slim 6 & 8 sizes, I have always had a bit of a soft belly, but now as an adult I think of it as Rubenesque rather than something to desperately become a starvation camp victim over. I went through the whole neurotic *oh-my-god-by-tummy-isn't-a-pancake-how-will-i-EVER-survive!* mindset, and I'm SO over it!!! I'm just not a self-punishing person. If others want to focus on getting an Olympic athlete washboard and it makes them feel great, kudos to them. For me, not sustainable or even interesting. Again, it's personal choice. I choose to eat as healthy as I deem possible, take some pleasant walks, and dress in a flattering/happy way, and that's it. I think there are a lot of healthy thinkers here, and I LOVE reading their comments.
ETA: Sona, I vote for Red Delicious! CLEVER!